Early Symptom Development Study

The University of Chicago is currently conducting a study of eating disorder symptom development.

 I am thinking of packing the girls in the car and planning a summer trip to Chicago so we can participate (yes, this is what it has come to....vacations are now planned in service of Eating Disorder research).       A bit weird, yes...but this topic is just so fascinating.  Teasing out and helping parents understand the prodrome symptoms is of great, great value.

What are the early, early signs of symptom development?  Are early signs sub-threshold symptoms or can we catch before that? If we catch it pre-sub threshold will it make a difference?  Is it possible to identify early enough that we can do an end run around?   Obviously, the study is not designed to answer all my burning questions but it will gather relevant information and I will try to do my bit to assist.  

Oh, and not all our vacations are ED vacations.....we have a brilliant do-over trip to Harry Potter World in Orland planned for July.  Our first attempt(tickets purchased/ hotel booked), for the big girl's 18th birthday, was dashed because the small girl was hospitalized weeks before the trip and was in no state to travel.  The big girl will be 21 this year and July is HP- The Redux.  We are at a hotel with a breakfast buffet and a lazy river:  Food will be eaten and bathing suits will be worn.   The food won't appear by magic but a lot of magic (plate) got us here.

Info on Study:



The University of Chicago is seeking adolescents and their families to participate in a study looking at eating disorder symptom development. All participants will be asked to come in for a 45 minute session in which they will be interviewed and surveyed about their eating disorder development. Participants will be adolescents between the ages of 12-18 with a recent eating disorder onset (i.e., within the past two years) and parents of adolescents with a recent eating disorder diagnosis. Participants will each be compensated with a $25 gift card for their participation ($50 per family).In person interviews are preferable, but we can also complete sessions via phone.
If you are interested and would like more information, please call us at 773-702-0789 or email [email protected].


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