Advocacy Mondays with Judy Krasna

1. How did you find your path to parent advocacy? Trust me, I never set out to be a parent advocate. After I started helping other parents find treatment for their children, I came to realize that my own frustrating treatment experience was the norm and not the exception. I became extremely frustrated at the lack of effective treatment here in Israel and at how parents were either marginalized or blamed altogether; and at some point, almost as a knee jerk reaction, I threw my hat in the ring as a parent advocate. I do not want any parent to feel as helpless and as scared as I was, and I don’t want to accept the current treatment situation as “the best that we can do”. There is better, and I am working to try and get better eating disorder treatment for Israeli patients and families. 2. What does your advocacy work consist of/how do you define advocacy? To me, advocacy is about supporting people who need help and trying to promote change by fixing faulty or brok...