F.E.A.S.T. of Knowledge event in Chicago: Unforgettable!

The F.E.A.S.T. community put together an all-day event in Chicago, one day after the International Conference for Eating Disorders ended, with little notice and a lot of heart. It was a day none of us will forget! We counted 87 people in the room, a generous mix of parents new to the topic of eating disorders and experienced parents, as well as clinicians and researchers and eating disorder advocates. Among our thanks for an informative and empowering day are the venue, The Conference Center At University Center. An ideal setting for our audience the room was lovely, the staff warm and helpful, and the catering was, as one participant described it, " quite the best packed lunch I've ever experienced at an organised event." See below for the final program, but suffice it to say it was a buffet of interesting ideas, people, inspiration, and accents! There were participants from at least nine countries, and there were tears of both laughter and sadnes...