Changing Guard at F.E.A.S.T. HQ

Important News Flash! There is a changing of the guard in the leadership at F.E.A.S.T. Leah Dean Lisa LaBorde After serving F.E.A.S.T. for many years, Leah Dean (Executive Director) and Lisa La Borde (Outreach Director) will pass the baton to a new team. Both Leah and Lisa will continue to play roles for F.E.A.S.T. as valued and experienced Board members, but both are able to take a well-earned breather from day to day management after all their sterling efforts to date (see more below). They are owed a huge debt of gratitude by everyone who has had any dealings with F.E.A.S.T., in whatever capacity, these last few years. Thank you, to both of you, for all that you have managed so competently, courageously and courteously! Leah and Lisa have been a perfect “double act”, and Leah has also been generously offering her time, as support and safety net, while a new duo step up to the plate together next month. From Nov...