Introducing FEAST Advisor: Dr. Lauren Muhlheim

F.E.A.S.T., as you may know, is an international, non profit, volunteer run organization governed by a Board of Directors. In addition, however, to the informed guidance of our Board of Directors, F.E.A.S.T. benefits greatly from the consultative expertise of a group of international professionals and allies who sit on our Advisory Panel. Today we would like to introduce you to Dr. Lauren Muhlheim: Lauren Muhlheim, Psy.D., CEDS, is a clinical psychologist who, during graduate school, trained in the Rutgers Eating Disorder Clinic under G. Terence Wilson, Ph.D. Along with Chris Fairburn, Terry Wilson was instrumental in the development of cognitive behavioral therapy for eating disorders. In this research clinic Dr. Muhlheim was trained in cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimia, and eating disorders have remained a primary focus and interest of study. Since leaving the research clinic, Dr. Muhlheim has continued to employ evidence-based cognitive be...