F.E.A.S.T. Highlights of 2015

What has F.E.A.S.T. been doing all year? Read on... Caregiver Support on "Around the Dinner Table" Forum F.E.A.S.T.’s “Around the Dinner Table” Forum (ATDT) marked its 11th year in existence as a go-to place for caregivers of eating disorder patients to find support, information, and empowerment. Forum topics ranged from concerns about the transition to college, struggle to achieve weight restoration, signs of recovery and how long does it take, feeling ‘stuck’ and not sure how to proceed with treatment. Many experienced caregivers with loved ones in recovery continue to visit the forum and mentor new members by sharing experiences, providing links to resources and answering questions about providers or programs available in their corner of the world. Special thanks goes to the ATDT ‘Mod Squad’ who volunteer their time to welcome new members, enforce the rules, and share their knowledge and skills while inspiring hope for recovery. 2015 ATDT Forum Stat...