Advocacy Mondays- 5 Questions Answered

by Erica Husain, UK 1. How d id you find your path to parent- advocacy Without conscious effort ! Grateful that anyone was o ut there to talk to, I joined the ATDT forum – not without a certain amount of trepidatio n and concern over apparent need for a pseudonym . “ H iding out ” i n public , from anyone and everyone I knew , was a leap of faith , b ut p eople here helped me . T hey didn’t want my money, they didn’t require me to sign up or own up to anything much more than a name and an email a dd ress, and they offered freely their experience and their confidence that I could do what they had already done , and they offered their cheer leading while I navigated the worst thing that had ever happened to my family . The worst no t because it was the first time that...