Let's Take the M.O.M. March Around the World!

Blog Post by Leah Dean Executive Director, F.E.A.S.T. 9/30/2014 DAY 1: M.O.M. March Today I sat down at my computer to try and find updates coming from the M.O.M. March in Washington, DC. I really wish I could have gone, but other committments kept me away. Thank you to MAED, EDC, and the Alliance for Eating Disorder Awareness for pulling this whole thing together! I could feel the energy of those present being channelled through twitter and facebook and instagram. As a "Virtual Marcher" I knew that others, like myself, must be feeling a similar desire to make my presence felt among the crowd of purple and green T-shirts there on the national mall in front of the US Capitol. As Executive Director for F.E.A.S.T., I wear many hats - including that of website administrator. I realized that I could set up a quick online survey for other Virtual Marchers to be counted - to make their presence known. Numbers matter in a campaign like this. Only so many can afford t...