Friday Reflections: Are We There Yet?
Guest Post by Axa Carnes One of the most common questions that parents of children with eating disorders ask is: How much longer….? How much longer will I have to feed my child? How much longer will my child be ill with this wretched disorder? How much longer until the Ed voice goes away? Then, there is the question that most parents ask “How much longer until my child is back to normal?”. The cruel reality of this illness is that nobody knows how long it will take a child to recover and neither the child nor the family will ever go back to what was considered as “normal” before the illness. I asked myself and others “how much longer?” and “are we there yet?” when I was going through the terrifying stage one and then again when we seemed stuck in the never ending stage two. I continued wondering how much longer as my daughter experienced paralyzing social anxiety, exercise compulsion, weird phobias, PTSD, sensory integration disorder, and started struggling in scho...