
Showing posts from June, 2014

A little Summer learning.....

Two interesting upcoming events: 1. July 9th- Discoveries in eating disorders research and treatment In this once-a-year live teleconference event, Dr. Kaye will share about his team's newest discoveries in eating disorder research and treatment and how discoveries are already positively impacting treatment outcomes. If you have wondered what the medical and research community is doing to improve outcomes for patients struggling to recover from eating disorders, this is "the" teleconference you want to attend!                                                   When :  Wednesday, July 9, 2014 What Time:  8:00-9:00 pm Central Time RSVP to: 2.  August 4-6  Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT-E) for Eating Disorders: A clinical update and workshop This three-day work...

Minnesota Starvation Study

This great Blog post reminded me of the potency of the Minnesota Starvation Study. Learning of the  Minnesota Starvation Study  is a true a-ha moment for many in this weird, disorienting trek. The 1945 Study was designed to determine the physiological and psychological effects of severe and prolonged dietary restriction and the effectiveness of dietary rehabilitation strategies.  Among the conclusions from the study was the confirmation that prolonged semi-starvation produces significant increases in: depression irritability  emotional distress  anxiety   The subjects also experienced extreme reactions including: self-harm preoccupation with food social withdrawal and isolation hmm, sound familiar?     Parents and Carers need to know about this study. Having an explanation for the emotional, cognitive and behavioural symptoms allows parents and carers to understand the odd and frightening things they are seeing-  an...

Friday Reflections: Be Informed, Be in Charge and Build a Team

Guest Post by Axa Carnes I took my daughter to her Pediatrician during summer 2005, because she wasn’t eating much. At the Pediatrician’s office she was weighed and measured. She had grown 3 inches from the previous year but had not gained an ounce. She had fallen from the 75th percentile to the 40th percentile. Beyond the concern regarding the numbers, the Pediatrician noticed clearly disordered behaviors when she examined my daughter. The child didn’t want to sit at the examining table but wanted to stand or dangle from the table while having her body rigid as a board, she fidgeted non-stop during the examination, could not focus on the Pediatrician, and told her that she was not on a diet just eating healthy, etc. Thankfully, the Pediatrician referred us to a Therapist who specialized in children and teens using the Maudsley method. The Therapist gave me a brief overview of Maudsley; told me this was a brain based disorder; parents were not at blame nor was the child; she was n...

Advocacy Mondays: A global reach out....

“We can learn from one another, and we can stand together internationally and make a difference in caring for those with eating disorders."         -Laura Collins I thought of the above quote from Laura C. while reading this article on Eating Disorder treatment in Lebanon over the weekend.    There was no mention of evidence based treatment, nor was there mention of family support; there was however a reference to the Middle East Eating Disorder Association .   So, let's remember that F.E.A.S.T. is an international (the only international) eating disorder parent organization and reach out.   Leave a comment on the article or in the ' contact MEED '  section.  Share what we know: This is what we know...but this is not necessarily what families first hear. Link to the Forum .

Friday Reflections: How Long Does It Take

Guest Post by Belinda Caldwell A War of Attrition Often I read on the Around the Dinner Table  forum parents who are beyond the first intense months of refeeding but are suffering the relentlessness of how long it takes for the remnants of the disease to go away. And I soooooo empathise. I was incredibly lucky to receive some advice early on from an ATDT member who became a real life on the phone mentor for me. Almost the best bit of advice she shared with me was her own daughter's timeline of 3 years. The first year was horrendous, the second year up and down and requiring vigilance, and the third year much better. This really helped me adjust our expectations as I am usually a fairly impatient person - and for better or worse we have pretty much mimicked that timeline here. Our daughter was diagnosed 3 years ago last February. Once our daughter was weight restored and largely free from the extreme ED behaviour we had seen, we had to still endure many many months of rigid be...

F.E.A.S.T. Applauds the Academy for Eating Disorders latest press release: "AED Opposes BMI Reporting and Fitnessgrams in Schools"

F.E.A.S.T. Applauds the Academy for Eating Disorders latest press release: AED Opposes BMI Reporting and Fitnessgrams in Schools  This is an issue that many F.E.A.S.T. and ATDT Forum Members feel strongly about. Many parents of children suffering from eating disorders feel ignored and/or unsupported when bringing this issue to the attention of their child's school.  Schools need to know that weighing a child with an eating disorder is part of that child's treatment protocol and that the "where and when and how often" is a collaborative decision made between parents and the child's clinicians. For those parents who wish to approach and educate their child's school on this issue, here is a sample letter that one of F.E.A.S.T.'s members used to open a dialogue with their child's school. Dear School Contact, I have heard that student's height, weight, BMI and fat percentage are being measured in PE classes this year as part of the Fitness...

Guest Post: Relapse Prevention

By Dr. Sarah K. Ravin  Ph.D Every year around this time, I have a few patients who graduate from high school with plans to go away to college. I also have patients who are preparing to go away to summer camp, take a vacation without their parents, or study abroad. At this time of year, kids are usually relieved that school is ending and excited about the experiences that wait for them just over the horizon. But for parents, this can be a time of trepidation and uncertainty. Most children, teenagers, and young adults with eating disorders are able to recover successfully with the help of their families and guidance from skilled clinicians. Once recovered, most of these young people can maintain their wellness while living at home with the protection of their families. But when they are removed from their parents’ watchful eyes and their treatment team’s steady support, relapse is more likely to occur. Let’s face it: relapse happens. Parents must remain mindful of this po...